30 Days of Affirmation Deck

30 Days of Affirmation Deck
Deck includes:
30 affirmation cards
3 bonus cards
Gilded gold edges
Instructional card
Each deck is blessed by Priestess Sadee.
Order 3 decks or more and receive free shipping.
Sadee, an artist known for supporting, motivating, and inspiring others through her wisdom and insights, combined her 25 years of artistic exploration and 15 years as a Priestess of Maåt to create 30 Days of Affirmation.
Drawing on her experience leading powerful group affirmation sessions and working with affirmations one-on-one with her clients, Sadee has hand-selected affirmations for positive thought to uplift and guide you on a transformative 30-day journey.
Tap into your power and declare your truth.