“As we heal and grow, we uplift and enlighten those around us.”
— sadee
The Power of New Moon Prayer Candles
Boost Your Manifestations
I love candles. They are an important part of any ritual, ceremony or prayer session. Candles are used in many religious and faith practices for altar setups and for creating sacred space. The candles themselves hold the power that we imbue them with, the flame releases this power, and the smoke travels to the ethers, carrying our requests. This is the magic.
Our ancestors knew the power of fire as a conduit. And we’ve always known the power of prayer (with scientific studies to now back this up). When we pray, we change frequencies, we alter energy, we affect change. And when we are too deep in a situation to see clearly, to focus our energy ourselves, we ask those in clear, constant communication with the divine to do so for us. This is what priests, priestesses, and holy people do when they pray for us. They use their channel to God, Goddess, the Ancestors, Spirit, to make the request for us. This is an ancient and powerful tradition.
The new moon has long been a uniquely potent time. It’s the beginning of the lunar phases when the moon is directly between the earth and the sun, and the side facing the sun is illuminated but the side facing the earth is dark. It is a time of spiritual renewal and new beginnings. The deep shadow being cast becomes ripe for hope, faith, intention. Seeds get planted in the dark, they begin to grow, and start to flourish with the return of light. So when we metaphorically plant our “seeds” (our prayers, wishes and desires for change) we do so at the most optimum metaphysical time.
This lunar ritual is accessible to everyone. However, when we are too close to a situation, it is only natural that we seek and ask for assistance to help our seeds grow as strong and full as possible. And it’s only natural that those who assist us use a candle, a powerful device for spiritual communication, to help us manifest our deepest dreams and desires. As Florence Scovel Shinn writes in The Game of Life and How to Play It, “The friend or ‘healer’ sees clearly the success, health, or prosperity, and never wavers...so a person should not hesitate to ask for help...”
If you would like some help boosting your manifestations, click here. I offer monthly individual new moon prayer candles lit on the night of the new moon for prayers of love, peace, ease, health or prosperity for yourself or a loved one, including a pet.