“As we heal and grow, we uplift and enlighten those around us.”
— sadee
Saturn/Pluto Conjunction
What’s On The Horizon…Astrology Insights by Wendy K.
Wow, here we go. 2020 is starting with a bang! On January 10th, we have a full moon lunar eclipse in Cancer. So we can release whatever may have come into the new year with us that is no longer serving us. Cancer is the sign associated with home and family so if there is any lingering holiday discomfort from seeing our extended family maybe make it a point to release it during this full moon.
Two days later on January 12th, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn. This is such an exciting time astrologically and something I have been watching and feeling the effects of all year. Saturn and Pluto are outer planets, meaning they move slowly, and usually their effects are shared more than personal. However, the sun which represents you and me is also going to conjunct these two planets along with Mercury the planet of communication. All of these planets will be at 22 degrees of Capricorn on January 12th. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, while it won’t be at 22 degrees, is also in Capricorn. Capricorn is an earth sign and also the sign related to our work and foundations so all of this will be built on a solid foundation. The universe is literally having a party in Capricorn to kick off this year!
Saturn and Pluto conjunct every 30 years and we always see major changes in the world when they do. The last time was in 1982-83 and that conjunction was in Libra so it focused on relationships. We saw a transformation of traditional marital systems and one of the highest divorce rates ever. That may not be something to brag about but it did make us question what a healthy relationship looks like and for the first time in history people didn't have to stay in an unhappy or unhealthy relationships. Saturn governs rules, foundations, and boundaries, and Capricorn is its home sign so it is even more powerful when it is at home. Pluto is the ruler of the underworld and it represents secrets, things we keep hidden, our shadow self, desires, and transformation. That might sound a little scary to some people but I learned this week that Pluto has a heart shaped basin on its surface. So while Pluto comes with big transformation it literally wears its heart on it's surface and does it with as much love as possible. The last time we had a Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn was 500 years ago in 1518. In that year Martin Luther started the reformation and we saw the beginning of the renaissance.
So get ready for our own personal renaissance/reformation. Transform all of your fears (Pluto) and communicate (Mercury) your plans (Saturn) to move forward (Jupiter) and make your life what you want it to be. Happy New Year!!!