“As we heal and grow, we uplift and enlighten those around us.”
— sadee
A Symbol of the Times
Step Into Your Power
The star is one of the oldest and most powerful symbols known to mankind. Let’s look at how it was used in ancient times and how it can help us tap into our highest power now.
The ancient Egyptians used the symbol of the star frequently throughout their texts and iconography. Their hieroglyph of a star was a star (or what we’ve come to know as a “star”). It referred to the actual stars in the sky but also to all the properties associated with the star…the ability to shine brightly, to show the way via navigation, to possess luminosity and therefore knowledge, which meant power. They believed that (wo)man’s journey through life was to become enlightened, to return to a state of illumination. As John Anthony West writes in Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt “the ideal of the realized man was to become a star, and to ‘become one of the company of Ra’”. In other words, to become like the great Creator.
The star was purposely depicted with five points. This showed a resemblance to the human body, with a head, two arms and two legs, which were usually elongated to show even more of a parallel. These five points also had significance because the number five is a high number in sacred geometry. The ancient Egyptians believed that numbers had innate meaning and that the number five represented the divine union of male and female energies, creation, heaven, balance, a perfect state of being.
The stars also represented doorways or portals to higher realms. And by knowing the correct words, or spells, the initiate could access or walk through these portals for deeper esoteric knowledge, wisdom and protection. The star was not only a symbol of aspiration but also a place of sacred power, or divinity, that could be attained through the right expression.
Symbolically, now more than ever, it could be helpful to remember that we were always considered as “more”. That we always have, and have had, the ability to reach great heights and to tap into hidden realms of power and grace. The ancients believed we were beings of great capacity with a legacy of brilliance and a pathway towards personal liberation. So no matter how the symbology of the star has evolved over the ages…at times used to express authority, segregation, or oppression (including as the symbol for the slave patrols) the true meaning of the star can never be fully coopted. The power of the realized self is too strong to be completely suppressed.
So let’s accept our divinity and shine brightly in the world without compromise, just like a star. Let us speak our truth into the world, step into our power, and walk through those hidden portals of knowledge for a deeper understanding of who we truly are. Let us find our personal pieces of heaven right here on earth. Hotep!